Tuesday, September 22, 2009

and the Nightmares Continue

For the past few days I've been getting the worst sleep possible. I toss and turn all night and have the weirdest dreams. Last night I had one of the worst wedding nightmares I've ever had. In my dream I woke up last on my wedding day, my hair and make-up people didn't show, I couldn't find my shoes or jewelry, the wedding started at 9 p.m. instead of 5 p.m, it was too dark to take any pictures, and most of our guests were tired of waiting around so they went home before the ceremony even began.
Sheesh! Can anything else possibly go wrong? I take that back. At least I didn't trip down the aisle, rip my dress, or not have the groom show up. Thankfully this was just a dream and even though I know something will probably go wrong the day of, I doubt it can go this wrong.
In other news, I almost threw my printer out my apartment balcony last night because it kept eating up all my place cards and getting paper jams. This is how you know you're almost a week away from your wedding day.
Printers beware. There's an frustrated bride on the loose!
I've also committed the worst sin any bride can. I can hardly admit I did this because I do not suggest it to anyone else getting married.... I... looked.... I looked.... I LOOKED AT MY WEDDING DAY WEATHER FORECAST! Ahhhhhhh! I said it. Ladies DO. NOT. DO. THIS. I repeat. DO. NOT. DO. THIS!  
Luckily for me, the forecast is as follows:
Sunday, Oct 4
Partly Sunny
Partly sunny and humid
Low: 75 °F
High: 85 °F
Ha! Can you imagine if it said something else? I would absolutely have a fit {Hey, at least I can admit I'd go nuts} Now, if the people at accuweather.com happen to be wrong then..........
Oh god. Why Can't my mind stop wandering? It needs a leash or a cage.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to throw something like out the window when it wasn't working! Way to commit! Yay for good weather, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!
