Monday, August 3, 2009

61 Days away...

Yes, this is going to be another lame "omg, I can't believe I'm so close entry". I can't help it. I know I've already had a few of these so I'll try to keep this freak out to a minimum after all I need to reserve so freaking out for the morning of. Time is flying by. We're half way done with 2009! What?!?! I just celebrated New Year's what seemed like a week ago. I finally see why the girls on the knot would tell me to slow down when I complained about time going by slowly. Three months away from the wedding and everything becomes a blur, next thing you know you wake up and it's your wedding day. My oh my I hope time goes by a little slower because I seriously have so much to do! I dare not make a list because it'll make me way to depressed to even function. Ignorance is bliss people!

On another unhappy note, I need to get my butt into gear and shape up! One of my goals this year was to get into better shape and so far, I've failed miserably. It's pathetic. I do like working out and feel great after doing so it's just the getting into the gym part that's hard for me. I did however make a promise to myself that starting the first Monday in August I'd go to the gym every single day and work out. After all, I still have a good 15 pounds or so to lose before the wedding.
I went grocery shopping last night to stock up on all sorts of yummy (yea right) healthy foods. You should have seen my shopping cart. It looked like my very own little garden. I should really explain because there is always a method to my madness. I'm really bad at "dieting" You tell me I can't have something and oh boy I'll crave it for days and just give in and stuff my face. Instead what I like to do is allow myself to eat very clean yet eat everything I want in moderation. Pizza? No problem. What I'll have instead is a thin crust pizza and one slice only. Ice cream? No problem. I'll have a healthy choice ice cream bar. Chocolate craving? Have a cup of hot cocoa mixed with water. Sugar craving? Eat some fruits. This is how I go shaving off calories. Now it may not be a miracle worker but combined with exercise it definitely works! This time around I wanted to add a new "No carbs past 6 p.m." rule. Ha! I'm a carboholic so that's probably not going to work out so well for me.
Don't forget to drink tons of water. I also found that if you keep a food journal and write everything down you can curb some cravings that way. Nothing less attractive than having your lack of self
discipline stare up at you. No snickers bar is worth it.
Wish me luck!

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