Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Days When You're Probably not Even Safe in Bed.

I've been a bad blogger. I know. I had an awesome and ubber productive trip down to Islamorada last Sunday and was super excited to come in on Monday and tell everyone about it until of course Monday became a little too Manic to enjoy. Work was absolutely horrible, hectic, and exhausting. I was looking forward to ending the day, going home and making a nice home cooked meal. Ummm.. yea. That didn't happen.

So, I'm about to leave work and am organizing my desk when I remember that before I leave I need to file an order on the clerk of court's website. I grab all the documents, scan and send. As I'm about to walk out the door I receive an email "Court Order and Banquet Menu" My heart drops. I quickly open the email I received from co-counsel and ALL of my bosses. Turns out I not only filed the Court order on the Clerk's PUBLIC website, I also was kind enough to attach my final banquet menu I was mailing out to our venue.

The fun doesn't stop there... The banquet Menu also had our name's, cell phone numbers, home address, and last and best our CREDIT CARD NUMBER, AND EXPIRATION DATE. I can't even begin to tell you about the all sorts of heart attack's I was having.

Twenty emails asking about a formal invite, Three phone calls to the clerk's office, and nervous countless tears later I was able to put the ordeal behind me (Well, kindda but not really because now I need to monitor credit card statements constantly)

I'm such a tool. I honestly don't know how I get myself into trouble like this.

Best of all the guys are not letting me live this down. I swear I must have had five people come by already this morning to ask me if questions like "Can I bring a friend?" or "So, what sort of bar are we having?"

When I woke up this morning I was determined to have a better day today. I decided I'd wake up, have a good breakfast, take my time getting ready for work, put on my sexiest underwear, my tallest heels, a cute dress, and I'd be ready to rock & roll.

Everything was going fine too until of course my hair dryer in the middle of blow drying half of my hair goes up in sparks. Lovely. What a great way to start the day. Half of my hair is straight while the other half is a wavy mess.

Thought I'd share this for anyone who might be having a "off" day.

Remember, forget coffee. The best jolt you can get on a Tuesday morning comes from fighting off flame throwing hair dryers.

If bad things come in three's good things had better come in four's!

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