Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Please excuse myself while I have my own pity party

Today is a day for red velvet cake if there ever was one. Of course me being on my strict no crap diet I know I can't have any and I won't lie, it upsets me. I promised myself that starting August I wouldn't miss a single gym day. Well last night I missed my first day and feel pretty awful about it even though I think I have a pretty good excuse. I was at the hospital last night waiting for Sophia to be born. She must have known the doctors were planning to evict her because she decided to pop out on her own.

Between the ever constant bickering with the bridesmaids and the ever present stress of planning a wedding I'm exhausted. I'd like to just go home and rest. Nothing could be better than just curling up on the couch right now.

At times I just regret having a wedding at all. We should have just eloped.

The point is you can't make everyone happy and I'm stupid enough to keep trying.


  1. I totally get you....sometimes eloping sounds like the perfect way to have done it! (It's Engagey by the way. heehee)

  2. :) Thanks for reading! I try not to be such a debbie downer but sometimes it's so hard not to!
