Thursday, August 13, 2009

When Tattoo's aren't Permanent Anymore, What is?

For anyone on the fence about tattoo laser removal, this post it for you. You see many moons ago I had a lovely star tattoo on my left wrist. {yes, yes I know. I’m every mother-in-law’s dream} The tattoo was a large black star outline with a hot pink border. Point is, After some time and a sudden realization that as a lawyer most of my clients would likely frown upon my big star tattoo I decided to get it removed. I went to Ink-out tattoo removal in Miami and after a few sessions, and some gross scabbing this is what my wrist looks like now.


Looks like they got the "ink-out" to me. {Ha-ha! get it? Ink-out?}


I'll also say though that I never really finished all my treatments because quite frankly the treatment hurts and I was never able to trust myself to let it fully heal without picking scabs. Disgusting habit. I know. Either way, I've been pretty happy with the results and wish I had a 'before' picture I could share.


The cost of the treatment is $50 a sq. inch per session. Everyone's skin pigment is different but depending on the color and size of the tattoo you can probably expect to attend at least six sessions.


So what does tattoo removal feel like? Well It definitely hurts more than getting the tattoo in the first place. Think of tattoo pain plus lots of burning. On the other hand please don't get me wrong, the pain is absolutely tolerable. You just have to put your big girl panties on and deal. 


To be honest I think the unsightly red boils you get after being lasered are actually worse than the pain. Either way, I recommend it.  



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